You can create a case saved search to compute the Date created less incident date/time and excluding non-business days/ hours, using formula fields.
Summarized the steps as below:
* Notes: Sample business hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm Non-working days: Saturdays and Sundays
I. Create 4 Custom CRM fields.
The first two fields will get the Date created and Incident date The last 2 will get the Time (in hours, decimal) the case was Created and Incident time.
1. Setup > Customization > CRM Fields > New *This field will get the "Date" the Case record was CREATED - Label = 111 Date Created - Type = Free form text - Store Value = False - Applies to > Case = True - Display > subtab = Main - Validation & Defaulting: Formula = True Default Value = CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({createddate},'D') BETWEEN 2 AND 6 THEN CASE WHEN to_char({createddate},'HH24') < 9 then to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 9/24) when to_char({createddate},'HH24') >= 17 then to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 17/24) else to_char({createddate}) end ELSE to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 17/24) END **sample Field ID: custevent42 2. Setup > Customization > CRM Fields > New *This field will get the "Date" as per INCIDENT DATE.
- Label = 222 Incident Date - Type = Free form text - Store Value = False - Applies to > Case = True - Display > subtab = Main - Validation & Defaulting: Formula = True Default Value = CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({startdate},'D') BETWEEN 2 AND 6 THEN CASE WHEN to_char({startdate},'HH24') < 9 then to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 9/24) when to_char({startdate},'HH24') >= 17 then to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 17/24) else to_char({startdate}) end ELSE to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 17/24) END **sample Field ID: custevent44 3. Setup > Customization > CRM Fields > New *This field will get the "Time", expressed in Hours, the Case record was CREATED - Label = 333 Time Created - Type = Free form text - Store Value = False - Applies to > Case = True - Display > subtab = Main - Validation & Defaulting: Formula = True Default Value = (to_number(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({createddate},'D') BETWEEN 2 AND 6 THEN CASE WHEN to_char({createddate},'HH24') < 9 then to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 9/24,'HH') when to_char({createddate},'HH24') >= 17 then to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 17/24,'HH24') else to_char({createddate},'HH24') end ELSE to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 17/24,'HH24') END) + (to_number(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({createddate},'D') BETWEEN 2 AND 6 THEN CASE WHEN to_char({createddate},'HH24') < 9 then to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 9/24,'MI') when to_char({createddate},'HH24') >= 17 then to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 17/24,'MI') else to_char({createddate},'MI') end ELSE to_char(trunc({createddate}) + 17/24,'MI') END) / 60)) **Field ID: custevent45 4. Setup > Customization > CRM Fields > New *This field will get the "Time", expressed in Hours, of the "Incident date" - Label = 444 Incident Time - Type = Free form text - Store Value = False - Applies to > Case = True - Display > subtab = Main - Validation & Defaulting: Formula = True Default Value = to_number(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({startdate},'D') BETWEEN 2 AND 6 THEN CASE WHEN to_char({startdate},'HH24') < 9 then to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 9/24,'HH24') when to_char({startdate},'HH24') >= 17 then to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 17/24,'HH24') else to_char({startdate},'HH24') end ELSE to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 17/24,'HH24') END) + (to_number(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({startdate},'D') BETWEEN 2 AND 6 THEN CASE WHEN to_char({startdate},'HH24') < 9 then to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 9/24,'MI') when to_char({startdate},'HH24') >= 17 then to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 17/24,'MI') else to_char({startdate},'MI') end ELSE to_char(trunc({startdate}) + 17/24,'MI') END) / 60) **Field ID: custevent46 II. Create a Saved search. 1. Reports > Saved Searches > All saved searches > New > Case
2. Search Title = enter the Search Title - Criteria tab > specify any criteria - Results tab: - Number - Date Created - Incident Date - 111 Date Created - 222 Incident Date - 333 Time Created - 444 Incident Time - Formula (Text) > Formula = case when to_date({custevent44}) - to_date({custevent42}) = 0 then to_number({custevent46}) - to_number({custevent45}) when to_date({custevent44}) - to_date({custevent42}) = 1 then to_number({custevent46}) + to_number({custevent45}) when to_date({custevent44}) - to_date({custevent42}) > 1 then (18 - to_number({custevent46})) + (18 - to_number({custevent45})) + (((to_date({custevent44}) - to_date({custevent42})) - 1) * 8) end
It is really a great work and the way in which you are sharing the knowledge is excellent.Thanks for your informative article
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