Thursday, 20 October 2016

NetSuite - How to create a Report for Sales by Customers from a Certain Category

To  create a Report that will show all Sales generated from Customers within a specific Category, customize a built-in report:

1. Navigate to Reports>Sales>Sales by Customer
2. Click Customize on the bottom left
3. Specify a Name for the report
4. Click Edit Columns
5. On the Add Fields section:
    a. Click the Customer/Project folder
    b. Click Customer Category and click Name
6. Click Filters
7. On the Add Fields section, click the Customer/Project folder then click Customer Category
8. On the Choose Filters section, under the Value column:
    a. Filter: equal to
    b. Click the Icon on to select multiple categories
    c. Add all the Categories then click Done
9. Click Save

The report can then be accessed from: Reports>Saved Reports

To pull up all Sales from Customers without Categories, modify the report above and on the Filters step 8.a, instead of equal to, change it to empty.  Click Save As to  the new report.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, on Step 8, to see all the sales from customers without categories, I selected Filter: Empty. But, even though I don't see any Data.

    But I have Data in Customer List. Do you have any suggestions for me to resolve this issue?

    Thank you in Advance!!
